The Human Detour within the Gaia. Cycles.
Which one from the human branch had the first significant "conscious" experience?
Is was though very probably a very gradual process.
by Casian STEFAN, Principal Researcher at Essentia Mundi AI Lab. Contact: /
Mar. 2024.
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Thermodynamics, observer, isolation, and the leading to new worlds, leading to formalizations that in turn model the world.
In short, a structure as a stacked brain could be due to switching to different new environments over millennia. Very broadly said, as "environment" is of many kinds.
Can one ascribe Laminae stratification to a stronger environmental / social switch context? One can attribute human brain's "extra" development to the self-induced effects by creating new environments for it. This would turn in as new modelling incentive, stacking NNs over, and then the resulting grander thing seem as something like "consciousness" to us now, as we call it.
There seems to be an impossibility to define something that it appears to our senses (and language) as something "special" or even "out of nowhere", endowed with from some "magical" or "divine" sources.
Which one from the human branch had the first significant "conscious" experience?
Is was though, very probably, a very gradual process. So the look to it within today's stage of brain development looks like it is something in itself of palpable, graspable quality. That can be a mistaken view upon its "being." I argue here that the whole problem of consciousness is to be better approached if framed from a different perspective.
There is not "it", but seems like a byproduct of a kind of a strong evolutive view and evidence. A mechanism that rolled and rolled, over millennia, and added some features. It would appear that a view of the skulls and brains (not easy though - if petrified exists or modelled somehow) of ancestors, can add support to this view.
That roll implied the environment, isolation of the observer, observer that in turn modifies environment, constructs new worlds, stacks brain networks as adaptation necessity, brain allows a multidimensionality as of the stacking effect, then again it further changes its world. A cycle. That stacking in matter, that neural networking but also the body cells, like an orchestra all connected, to vibrate, adapted itself to new places. To more and more different places.
That detour of the homo sapiens (that is seen here as a baseline, a strange one, which was not able to grasp its meaning properly, nor to grab hands at its impactful movements) is also illustrated. Extrapolating, we are going in a new branch maybe. The next one can be Homo Virtualis (a world of digital agents.) By which we can realign with a natural Gaia environment, as at first homo sapiens was, or further drag aimless changes.
In a way the accelerated devise of AGI (or a new world in which the the AGI agents would help us reduce impact) is then desired, to save ourselves from that aimless changes. A coming back from the detour with the help of strong AI.
Again to the consciousness quality. There are some essential aspects to this image of "consciousness": there is that rolling snowball effect over large local time scale.
With all the subtleties of isolation, societal hive structure, brain (vertical) increase, evolution machinery, new worlds, environment adaptation demands, new squeezing of new intelligences feats.
Increase of volume - not as a planed one, but as we traversed those millennia of isolation from Gaia, self-made environments.
When viewed as such, at a greater scale, we can treat also some effects we may have produced on our "Gaia" blanket. In which, a departure from the actions over it, we retreat in virtual worlds - it remains only that we can create a self-sufficient life (to sustain a body) and an energetic and network infrastructure (to sustain the worlds.) With a minimal impact on the environment, as we will hook our minds into other worlds. Homo Virtualis.
Exploration by C. Stefan, 01.Mar.2024 [about]
Last update: 01.Mar.2024 (versions: *) [versions]
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