The flow, is the environment but at the same time "the consciousness." If taken out of the flow, an individual has a potential to become something else. Yet, to the flow - and in his incapacity to anchor itself in the face of a blank view - and to himself, he is a madman.
by Casian STEFAN, Principal Researcher at Essentia Mundi AI Lab. Contact: /
Apr. 2024.
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“What is troubling us is the tendency to believe that the mind is like a little man within.” (L.W.)
There is no conscious awareness without the environment. Be it socially constructed and/or physically constrained. The flickering element on the frozen surface metaphor, makes me realize even more details about the nature of consciousness.
The flow of being-in-the-world lies within a space. We can see it as water flow through viaduct, the great mass are the constrains that binds together ultimately the mind. Its training begins since before birth.
The probe outside of the environment is at the edge of sanity. Only a globally taken course change (that is world changes within the mass flow) would assure in an evolutionary view, a smooth transition to a different world setting. In this change we subtly adapt.
At the edge of sanity are those who are a bit disconnected from the flow. They are the splash of the water flow.
A drastic change in environment does come with adaptation difficulties. Some if placed in a total alien environment are at loss, probably on a sure way to total madness. Not an anchor point in the face of a blank view.
From this perspective, our consciousness, its qualia qualities are within that space. And more of that, are the space. A space that is in a primordial formalized way in each individual. A space that is of symbols.
The consciousness feeling as we abstracted it in turn, seem a functional one, in the sense that the environment of the flow is making it to appear so. The navigation through its symbols keeps one sane. Through these we are also in a constant illusion or dreaming state like, of being in the world.
"...But we wake up sometimes, just enough to know that we are dreaming." (L.W.)
To be awake means to probe the boundaries, to discard symbols, to change environments, ultimately to be a qualia philosopher, the not understood poet, the tormented artist, the isolated, a free thinker scientist, an infant, a LLM, the symbols challenger - a madman.
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