My perspective/working assumption: through "mortal basin" and "detached" (bio-)electro-magnetic as new generativity level. Not only neurons, but all cells have the spark - the ensemble contributes to "consciousness" scaffolding, an asymptotic and synergistic account of the basin's anchor in Environment (whole Body-Gaia) and able to tell about itself, which happens to be in the "detached" areas. This marshaling through Symbols to account as "consciousness." The generativity layer from the Symbols to symbols and back for the enaction of other Symbols, is the process that gives the scaffolding to self, qualia, consciousness.
1. Structured and unstructured reactivations during REM sleep are modulated by novel experiences.
(J Choi, JE Carmichael, S Williams, G Etter - bioRxiv, 2024)
" We confirmed that representations of awake exploration are recapitulated during subsequent REM episodes with varying levels of temporal structure. We also found that temporally organized sequences were replayed with a higher frequency during REM sleep
following a novel experience."
2. Reverse hierarchies and sensory learning.
Merav Ahissar*, Mor Nahum, Israel Nelken and Shaul Hochstein
"Revealing the relationships between perceptual representations in the brain and mechanisms of adult perceptual learning is of great importance, potentially leading to significantly improved training techniques both for improving skills in the general population and for ameliorating deficits in special populations. In this review, we summarize the essentials of reverse hierarchy theory for perceptual learning in the visual and auditory modalities and describe the theory’s implications for designing improved training procedures, for a variety of goals and populations."
3. Influence of claustrum on cortex varies by area, layer, and cell type.
"The claustrum (CLA) is a small, yet highly interconnected subcortical structure in the mammalian brain whose precise function remains mysterious. Because of its very widespread connections with the cortex, the CLA has been proposed to underlie various high-level functions including salience detection, attentional control, and consciousness. In addition, recent studies suggest that CLA is involved in associative learning, slow-wave activity, distractor suppression, attentional set shifting, task switching, and behavioral engagement."
4. Maintaining and updating accurate internal representations of continuous variables with a handful of neurons
Small brains can accomplish big things, according to new theoretical research: "Next, the researchers plan to explore whether the extra stuff might provide additional robustness to the ring attractor network, and whether the base computation could serve as a building block for more complicated computations in bigger networks with multiple variables. Additional experiments could also help researchers understand how the connections between neurons in the network are adjusted and how sensory cues might impact the network’s representation of head direction." (
In this perspective, I see that overall it was taken in account a symbol meaning. Whereas I see a distinction: the Symbol is an arc, as we defined it. The case that the Symboliad operates with Symbols and in turn we, through that marshaling apply a symbol reduction ("s" small letter) to it but no connection to the load, (it is still a Symbol in elevation process), has created in turn the mirage of attaining AGI through these means. Whilst that entity has to grow to the quality of a more concrete Symbol.
Thus, when I say computational, I mean to that possibility of systems, ML generally, that are able to take in account a Symbols Omniload capacity. This means operating with a vertical axis of that Symbol's arc. Like a multi-modal, multi-dimensional vector, arc that gets constructed and manipulated with.
1. On the Representational Capacity of Neural Language Models with Chain-of-Thought Reasoning.
(Franz Nowak, Anej Svete, Alexandra Butoi, Ryan Cotterell)
"CoT reasoning endows an RNN with exactly this non-determinism because it allows the RNN to sample and refer back to trajectories rather than only symbols by annotating each of its outputs with the current state of the PFSA. Upon reading the previously randomly generated state of the automaton captured in the output, it can follow the randomly sampled generating trajectories."
2. Artificial Agent Language Development based on the Xzistor Mathematical Model of Mind.
(Rocco Van Schalkwyk, Alireza Dehbozorgi)
"If the agent is trying to resolve a Prime Drive but is unable to find matching Associations in the Association Database, it will enter the Thinking modality (also called ‘directed’ Threading), where it will resort to finding Associations that still correlate to some degree with the current Anchor State, but not exactly. The agent will perform the Effector Motions stored as part of these inferred Associations in a ‘hit-and-miss’ way to try and solve the Prime Drive. As the Deprivation rises to critical levels, the coupled rise in Autonomic Stress will reduce the time allowed (per logic loop cycle) to search for potentially helpful Associations in the Association Database. The brain model will allow for the Effector Motions of even poorly matched Associations (and with low Impact Factors) to be tried as the agent becomes increasingly desperate."
The Symboliad concept and term emerged between late 2023 - mid.2024. My perspective/working assumption: the soft (but hard) driver of all "forms of life". The soft part imprinting in the more hardware parts of cells, a (self-)modeling to a next fit. It has an anchor through the Symbol's arcs via a population of "life matter." The map and territory. A cultural entity. The reality-maker within a Zeitgeist. The enabler of evolution. The enabler of the human detour (the capacity to change its Environment, thus to a spiraling of evolutionary means.) The third person. The self-domestication mediator. Probably one of the most important "discovery" through which one can have a discussion and some answers to what it means to have "consciousness" in biological and non-biological systems. A cardinal of this space as a means to measure consciousness flavors across systems.
1. On human consciousness: A mathematical perspective. (Peter Grindrod)
"We consider the implications of the mathematical modeling and analysis of large modular neuron-to-neuron dynamical networks. We explain how the dynamical behavior of relatively small-scale strongly connected networks leads naturally to nonbinary information processing and thus to multiple hypothesis decision-making, even at the very lowest level of the brain’s architecture. In turn we build on these ideas to address some aspects of the hard problem of consciousness."
2. Symbolism in Anthropology. (Janet Hoskins)
"Turner defines the properties of symbols – multivocality, complexity of association, ambiguity, open-endedness, primacy of feeling, and a propensity to ramify into further semantic systems – as connected with their dynamic quality. Symbols can trigger social action and can give personal action form in the public arena. From Turner’s perspective, “we master the world through signs, ourselves by symbols” (Turner, 1975: p.159). Turner developed a view of symbols as operators in the social process, which could produce social transformations, particularly in the context of ritual."
3. Biological arrow of time: Emergence of tangled information hierarchies and self-modelling dynamics.
(arXiv:2409.12029v1 [q-bio.PE] 18 Sep 2024)
"we consider biological organisms as hierarchical dynamical systems that generate regularities in their phase-spaces through interactions with their environment. These emergent information patterns can then be encoded within the organism’s components, leading to self-modelling “tangled hierarchies”. Our main conjecture is that when macro-scale patterns are encoded within micro-scale components, it creates fundamental tensions (computational inconsistencies) between what is encodable at a particular evolutionary stage and what is potentially realisable in the environment."
4. The Morphospace of Consciousness.
"We construct a complexity-based morphospace to study systems-level properties of conscious & intelligent systems. The axes of this space label 3 complexity types: autonomous, cognitive & social. Given recent proposals to synthesize consciousness, a generic complexity-based conceptualization provides a useful framework for identifying defining features of conscious & synthetic systems. Based on current clinical scales of consciousness that measure cognitive awareness and wakefulness, we take a perspective on how contemporary artificially intelligent machines & synthetically engineered life forms measure on these scales"
5. Why is anything conscious.
(, 22.Sept.2024) (Michael Timothy Bennett, Sean Welsh, and Anna Ciaunica)
"We tackle the hard problem of consciousness taking the naturally-selected, self-organising, embodied organism as our starting point. We provide a mathematical formalism describing how biological systems self-organise to hierarchically interpret unlabelled sensory information according to valence and specific needs. Such interpretations imply behavioural policies which can only be differentiated from each other by the qualitative aspect of information processing."
The non-dualist approach towards an irreducible unity or system. Looking at it as a new kind of state of matter. A mortal basin, a unity that does not need be untangled in sub-parts, not to be taken apart, separating it (the position of the generativity and non interdependence between layers as in our World View). As a consequence, it does not need go through a mind-matter dichotomy.
1. Some cells can enter a 'third state that lies beyond the traditional boundaries of life and death.' and background: (M.Levin)
"Cognitive capacity readily adapts to changes in body form.
The Self can change scale during construction, remodeling, and dissociation of bodies. Construction of entirely novel body forms enable the study of de novo cognition. Cell and tissue plasticity provide alternative models to fixed species for basal cognition studies. Advances in bioengineering reveal the current inadequacies of common terms such as animal, body, death, and Self."
Gaia and Environment. The strong connection to the agents in it. Where they are to be seen as an arc with anchoring in both Environment (broad) and the system's Symboliad.
1. Power generation from ambient humidity using protein nanowires.
“The air contains an enormous amount of electricity,” says Jun Yao, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering in the College of Engineering at UMass Amherst, and the paper’s senior author. “Think of a cloud, which is nothing more than a mass of water droplets. Each of those droplets contains a charge, and when conditions are right, the cloud can produce a lightning bolt—but we don’t know how to reliably capture electricity from lightning. What we’ve done is to create a human-built, small-scale cloud that produces electricity for us predictably and continuously so that we can harvest it.”
Imprinting and naturalization of features. The imprinting of systems goes within an Environment, needs, changes, through Symboliad, the systems get their properties from this dynamic play. Seeing us as an arc process on an evolutionary dynamics (predatory/prey just a part) and thinking of a soft driver (but powerful) as "forms of life" with an imprinting through its "Symboliad." Also a cultural one (eg. on color).
1. Functional neuronal circuits emerge in the absence of developmental activity.
(Dániel L. Barabási, Gregor F. P. Schuhknecht & Florian Engert)
"Brain-wide imaging confirmed that neuronal circuits came ‘online’ fully tuned, without requiring activity-dependent plasticity. Thus, complex sensory-guided behaviors can emerge through activity-independent developmental mechanisms."
2. Book "Evolution Evolving. The Developmental Origins of Adaptation and Biodiversity."
(Kevin Lala, Tobias Uller, Nathalie Feiner, Marc Feldman and Scott Gilbert)
"Animals have culture that it is directing genetic evolution."
3. Exploring the Emergence of Organized Coloration in Paintings Through Cultural Transmission
(Mayuko Iriguchi, Sota Kikuchi, Takashi Morita and Hiroki Koda)
"The dynamics of cultural transmissions has been investigated experimentally, revealing structured linguistic and musical expressions as their
outcomes. Cultural transmissions have also been modeled mathematically, proving a strong influence from a prior knowledge of transmitters. Here, we investigate an emergence of structured colour expression in painting via cultural transmission"
The arc, multidim-vector. Possessing an anchor and through building it up, it caries a lot of features. In language we get a grasp to it as: a word, a proposition is resting on an entire web of Symbols, eg. our entire body is loading the web, and automatically a sense of logic, also entailing what it is said and what is not implied. A load of "half questions and half answers," ready to burst when needed in the context. Qualities like openness, share-ness, "externsiveness." Through the traces of them we capture and reconstruct memories too.
1. Neural representations of concreteness and concrete concepts are specific to the individual
(Thomas L. Botch and Emily S. Finn)
"Our findings situate the concrete-abstract axis as a core dimension that supports both shared and individualized representations of natural language."
2. Human hippocampal and entorhinal neurons encode the temporal structure of experience (25 September 2024).
(Pawel Tacikowski, Güldamla Kalender, Davide Ciliberti & Itzhak Fried)
Brain detects patterns in the everyday without conscious thought. "These findings demonstrate that neurons in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex integrate the ‘what’ and ‘when’ information to extract durable and predictive representations of the temporal structure of human experience."
3. Modular representations emerge in neural networks trained to perform context-dependent tasks
(W. Jeffrey Johnston, Stefano Fusi)
"In contrast, the structure of neural representations within a specific brain region is not well understood. Experimental and theoretical work has argued both for and against the existence of specialization at the level of single neurons, where single neurons might be specialized to encode only particular subsets of variables among those represented by the whole brain region."
4. Neural dynamics of spontaneous memory recall and future thinking in the continuous flow of thoughts
(Haowen Su, Xian Li, Savannah Born, View Christopher J. Honey, Janice Chen, Hongmi Lee)
"The human brain constantly recalls past experiences and anticipates future events, generating a continuous flow of thoughts. However, the neural mechanisms underlying the natural transitions and trajectories of thoughts during spontaneous memory recall and future thinking remain underexplored."
The hunt for that forms of Symbols.
Relations and connections, social "externsive" account to being, resonances, even the enaction of the third person views.
1. Intra- and inter-brain synchrony oscillations underlying social adjustment
(Unai Vicente, Alberto Ara & Josep Marco-Pallarés)
"Humans naturally synchronize their behavior with other people. However, although it happens almost automatically, adjusting behavior and conformity to others is a complex phenomenon whose neural mechanisms are still yet to be understood entirely."
Language as a tip of some substrates. From utterance, gestures, mind, representation. The story, the generativity layer is able to tell about itself. The elevation of new Symbols, they are "believed" they are "true". A facilitator of share-ness within a society. A means of growing our Symboliad towards a culture.
1. Gesture in New Guinea
(Kensy Cooperrider)
"Whenever people to talk—whether they are telling stories, giving directions, sharing gossip, teaching children, cooking food, or counting objects—they accompany their speech with meaningful body movements, or gestures. These gestures may be produced with the hands, arms, head, and face; they may be subtle or salient, idiosyncratic or culturally shared; they include points and shrugs, nods and winks, depictions of shapes and imitations of actions. While much is made of cultural differences in the amount of gesture, the fact is that human communication everywhere involves a steady hum of kinetic activity. New Guinea is no exception."
There is a broad research on symbolic thinking, up to Symbol (the arc, although not named so far in this way.) But identified as a kind of "monad" of means of communication across systems.
Whether there is something more beneath the quantum and if relevant to the enaction of the Symbols (eg. Quantum, other forces.) Towards a quest of what items out there than a void at all. As working assumption: there is nothing 99%, as we construct the reality vs. our bias and effective physical limitation, yet in the 1% the question always lingers: beyond our fabrications (including reality and a god, beyond other parallel, cyclic universes, beyond holograms and simulations, beyond a vibration and then to the absolute nothing, what sustains it?)
Exploration by C. Stefan, 22.Sep.2024 [about]
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C.Stefan - The Symboliad and its significance[here]
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