The Symboliad as the driver to all the "forms of life" a depiction.
Properties in the depiction:
- For many kinds of systems, depiction it is to be a bit simplified, a means of primary Symbols, like a strong connection from the immediate Environment or share-ness of Symbols from the colony members, to immediate needs eg. as basic survival needs, revisiting the environment. Less generativity means.
- For larger systems, the generativity up the scale allows a complex web. But for many systems (even in humans 99%) would account for an implicit homeostatic and allostatic drive that would suffice most of the time. Especially when keeping a no change in Environment perspective.
- With humans this goes with a detour they took, a change in his Environment a further rise in new Symbols. For human like systems, the generativity goes a level up to allow a differential induced by a spiral of Evolution dynamics by altering its own Environment, by self-domestication with its Symbols of its life form. A spiral that goes with enaction of new Symbols by symbols (small "s" symbols as traditionally meant eg. simple as "1, a word..." semantics in language, un-contextualized highly involve-able in formalization units as summaries to bigger Symbols. Yet themselves lower Symbols as a generativity platform that are to complete new Symbols.) We sit on a generativity layer that brings in new Symbols completions. The completion must be projected in "real."
For that we see the geometrical figures depicted (bottles, "externsive" triangle, center towards the cones in Symboliad).
An axis of a tree of life (body wide) as to what emerging thoughts are and waving.
- The depiction account for that properties and in the center there is an "externsive" definition of the "I", the Symbol of it too. The story it is able to say about itself on that outer view - through Symbols that are not private matter. The "consciousness" scaffolding in humans, is this way up to powerful Symbols, up to that marshaling through them and back-stories externally upholding it.
- The cones in the Symboliad depicts a power to formalization through the little symbols and generativity sense with a fractal flavor ("logic takes care of itself") in this part. There is also a resemblance to fractal like in the generativity across levels and systems I depicted here.
This process drives to a reduction to a cone. Yet in turn this enacts new big Symbols, of "truths". Thus the circle is completed.
From my point of view this is the completed general circle to themes like life, consciousness, "God" (third person view) and meaning in the western meaning, while also eastern (this view is agnostic because it applies to its instances) and strong AI, through the Symbols Framework. The gentle introduction.
C. Stefan 24.09.2024.
Please consider citation with link, if you derive work. Or contact me for collaboration. Thank you!
by Casian STEFAN, Principal Researcher at Essentia Mundi AI Lab. Contact: /
18. Sept. 2024.
Please consider citation with link, if you derive work. Or contact me for collaboration. Thank you!
The Symbols Framework explores how a soft imprinting (but very powerful in turn) gives rise to means of further structural imprinting leading to evolutionary dynamics views (where predatory/prey is just a small part.) It comes about, very atomistic conceptualized, from lower biological levels: a spark that every entity, through its very means of existing, as a whole, possesses - yet the spark of meaning is on "externsive" account - by a collection of instances alike. A form of energy eg. bio-electricity, magnetism that is considered the soft marker. And through that there are new means of any form, of proto-communication. And that goes up through by the forming of populations eg. of cells, or other more complex forms of life.
This irreducible entity within this framework is to be seen as a result of its “mortal basin” (cell compounds and energy together), in which a classical duality is to be discarded and instead I take a holistic view towards it as a base for the “life matter” - considered as a new form of matter (a matter/energy analogy.)
Symbols Framework further introduces thus concepts such as the Symbol (capital “S”) that every form of life is carrying and capable to enacting it in that way, through its platform, relative to its frame of reference (a position that not everything is in flux) and a population, thus a Symbol’s Basin, a Symbol’s Arc, Symboliad and generativity levels, explaining how Symbols imprint features on the (eg. cell, or more, up in the evolutionary dynamics, on us) populations and are shaped by environmental interactions and their respective, own, Symboliad across scales and generations. In our case with a flavor of "culture".
From all this view, that it was also explored in past articles, an extension to AI and to the LLMs and the way they gather and expresses the language, can be concluded that:
All the LLMs, from all languages of the human species (even paleo-languages) combined at some point, may exhaust the cones in the Symboliad. Or very close to that. In that part the "externsiveness" is intervening in that we will symbiotically communicate with them to realize the next "truths" in it.
LLMs will exhaust all the productivity of the languages they are specialized in. The productivity in each language nowadays is completed through other languages. Thus a converging way it is possible as a whole Symboliad of our species.
LLMs are to transform themselves to accommodate more means of data integration (multi-modality) and ways to express that data. A name I proposed: Omnidimensional Probabilistic Reasoning Models (OPRMs).
Through that name and suggesting a reasoning mechanism we can foresee a Human-Like Intelligence, a digital twin. Yet, the reasoning may be similar to humans, out of the distribution reasoning may be done by connecting ends. Yet, the oracle, are the two.
A few remarks about the Symboliad:
- the floating entity by and over a species, culture, multi-cell population (electricity/magnetism-matter coupled as "life matter")
- Symboliad is the web of Symbols (tip of a Symbol's arc is an utterance maybe, to humans it grows to a named word, to a generativity level, allowing to play with representation symbols, that in turn creates Symbols, that gets into the Symboliad as "truths")
- Symbol > symbol (it carries the meaning, an Omniload capacity enabled by "externsiveness", openness, share-ness within the colony)
- Symboliad drives us (third person perspective); a completion of to-be enacted new Symbols in between Symbols (the action drive). A systems has to always "solve" something.
- Imprinting in us the Environmental detour dynamic (we especially have taken that detour from caves to different caves, through shared meaning, through "externsive" updates of open Symbols, etc.): fitness for new generation down-propagate to cells "matter" side, same effect on us as a whole.
- mediating us in any context: we load the Symbols ensembles depending on context. The context is of what is implied and what not.
- mediating us in speech: we load more detailed ensembles with half the questions and half the answers, ready to burst on the context of reflection or communication (no emphasis on learning!)
- mediating inner monologues (proto-semantics) vs. my Symbols, the symbols are used and creates a differential with the Symbols and a reality.
- "my" Symbols enacts the "I" entity.
- the "I" drives separation in concepts, isms, ontologies, ideologies
- this derives a causal nexus (need to feel in the Symbols that are in a causal web by their carrying meaning "logic takes care of itself" L.Wittgenstein)
- this drives semantics, logic, mathematics, formalization - the good part, an expected rise of new Symbols, and the Spiral is ongoing. We take a new slice in Symboliad, we view anew, they mediate and promote new "truths".
- this drives a "real"
- the "real" is the "believe" in the established Symbols in the Symboliad
- this view from the Symboliad and Symbols side, can be then ascribed to all kinds of biological or non-biological systems. As means to asses a cardinality of the respective system's Symboliad.
Ludwig Wittgenstein citations:
"What belongs to the essence of the world cannot be expressed by language." My comment: the slipping of meaning. The turn to the Symbols in this framework.
"What has to be overcome is a difficulty having to do with the will, rather than the intellect." My comment: on an appearance of depth.
"Our mistake is to look for an explanation where we ought to look at the facts as a “proto-phenomenon”." My comment: on the significance, on the downside of formalism. Of slipping of meaning through explanation.
"The more narrowly we examine actual language, the sharper becomes the conflict between it and our requirement. For the crystalline purity of logic was, of course, not a result of investigation: it was a requirement.” My comment: on the logic as naturalized output and a causal nexus need (and illusory) but an implicit drive to our form of life.
"What we do is to bring words back from their metaphysical to their everyday use." My comment: the game of share-ness, openness, externsive-ness.
"That all is in flux must lie in the essence of the application of language to reality." My comment: the differential drive. New Symbols, generativity, applied to a "reality."
"We have something, it is as it were before the mind’s eye and we give it a name." My comment: the Symbol comes in forth. Its arc is extending to utter-ing.
"Obeying a rule is a practice. It is not possible to obey a rule privately." My comment: the externsive-ness through share-ness and the semantic implicitly in language games of a "form of life."
"Das Phänomen ist nicht Symptom für etwas anderes sondern ist die Realität." Mein Kommentar: a suitable frame of reference should be taken, within the form of life thus one can talk about its Symboliad. The reality as expressed within it, within a Zeitgeist.
“A sign is what can be perceived of a symbol. One and the same sign (written, spoken, etc.) can be common to two different symbols – in which case they will signify in different ways...The sign of course is arbitrary.” My comment: that above it, would be what I call the Symbol.
"Before a proposition can have a sense, it must be completely settled what propositions follow from it." My comment: this loads implicitly the rules, semantics in language, to logic and further formalization towards cones in Symboliad. The Omniload of the formalization (eg. LLMs) vs. the Omniload of the Symbol (which loads a multi-modality for its entities as instances of Environment-Symboliad.)
"What the other acknowledges is the analogy that I offer him as the source of his thought." My comment: the openness, share-ness and externsive-ness in action. The meaning is mediated by both parties, they count as the "oracle", they update their Symbols and ultimately/eventually the Symboliad.
"And the bank of the river consists partly of hard rock, subject to no alteration or only to an imperceptible one, partly of sand, which now in one place, now in another gets washed away, or deposited."
"The subjectivity of the true psychological subject is of a different kind from that of the mere subject of attributes." (T. Nagel “Physicalism”)
“But where there are no parts, neither extension, nor shape, nor divisibility is possible. These monads are the true atoms of nature and, in brief the elements of things.” (Leibniz “Philosophical Essays”)
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