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The transformation. The replacement, but not a disappearing Other.

The Big Other in the A(G)I era

There is a concern that states that with the new AI systems, the human beings are being diverted from old belief systems to the new. From the biblical God to the Science. The churches ought come up with new appealing interpretations to accustom the pignistic believers system.

I think that is, in credal / doxastic / pignistic therms, the religious forms are also science, at least seen that way. I tend to look at the bible as a work of science back then.

As the "cognitive closure" approaches, the Observer, aka Lacanian "big other" will transform, but not disappear.

The infiltration of new Symbols will transform the Big Other, but in one that is of "alien" flavor.

[to continue]

Exploration by C. Stefan, Nov. 2023 [about]
Last update: Nov. 2023 (versions: *) [versions]
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